Friday 29 August 2014

Friday 29th.

 Any second thoughts about fetching the boat home were eliminated today, after a nightmare 3 hour drive from Ponte to Lichfield.
Finally arrived at 5 & spent a fraught 2 hours unpacking & trying to get it all stowed away before returning to Wakey to drop off the car.
                                                               This is the proposed route.

Kings orchard Marina nr. Huddlesford on the Coventry to Stanley Ferry on the Aire & Calder via Manchester & the Rochdale, hopefully fitting in a ride on the Anderton boat lift.
                                                                        These are the crew!
                                                                  Cap'n Pete, Kellydog & me.



Thursday 28 August 2014

Follow our cruise from Lichfield, back home, to Stanley Ferry, Yorkshire!

This is my first venture into 'Blog-land' so I hope you'll bear with me whilst I blunder about finding my way!
Some of you will be aware that we have a narrowboat which is currently moored on the Coventry canal near Lichfield.  The trip down from Wakey has become more & more tortuous, due to increased traffic & endless roadworks, so with heavy hearts we're taking her home.
As it's a fairly long voyage - just under 200 miles & a similar number of locks - I thought some of you might enjoy coming along for the cruise! I shall doubtless be taking a few snaps and, t'internet permitting, shall attempt to keep you updated on a regular basis.
I'd appreciate any comments/ suggestions/ feedback you might have .
We make a start tomorrow, so I'd better finish the packing!
Back soon.