Thursday 28 August 2014

Follow our cruise from Lichfield, back home, to Stanley Ferry, Yorkshire!

This is my first venture into 'Blog-land' so I hope you'll bear with me whilst I blunder about finding my way!
Some of you will be aware that we have a narrowboat which is currently moored on the Coventry canal near Lichfield.  The trip down from Wakey has become more & more tortuous, due to increased traffic & endless roadworks, so with heavy hearts we're taking her home.
As it's a fairly long voyage - just under 200 miles & a similar number of locks - I thought some of you might enjoy coming along for the cruise! I shall doubtless be taking a few snaps and, t'internet permitting, shall attempt to keep you updated on a regular basis.
I'd appreciate any comments/ suggestions/ feedback you might have .
We make a start tomorrow, so I'd better finish the packing!
Back soon.