Sunday 14 September 2014

Canal & River Trust earn their keep.

Wednesday 10th. September.

The sun shines on us as we leave New Islington marina at 8, knowing that we have 18 locks to negotiate with no little helpers. Ancoats lives up to it's reputation by revealing some dealers in Victoria Park. I'm amazed they were about so early, but they're too busy with their own nefarious activities to bother us!

We pass through Newton Heath, original home of Man Utd., another place we're warned not to linger in!
Our progress is now blighted by low water & soon we're scraping along on the bottom which also means picking up an assortment of rubbish, plastic bags, etc. around the prop. meaning boat won't go until we poke about to clear it. Call out CRT 3 times in the next few hours to run some water down, get us off the bottom & help us through the locks. All very slow, hot & arduous work.

After a nightmare day of 11 hours we stop, exhausted, at the Rose of Lancashire, Chadderton, eat something & collapse in front of the TV.

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