Tuesday 9 September 2014

Underground, overground.

Sunday 7th.September.
Awaken to a sunny but chilly morning with mist rising from the river, definitely a feel of Autumn in the air.

By 10am we've been lifted back up to the T&M, snaking through 3 tunnels, the longest at Preston Brook, being just under the mile. They're far from straight & concentrating on keeping away from the walls with only a tunnel light on the boat & the constant steady drone of the engine is strangely hypnotic!  No pix, unsurprisingly!
We are now on the  Bridgewater Canal.
As we need to do some grocery shopping we stop at Stocton Heath. This small town, onetime home of George Formby, seems to have about a dozen decent restaurants along its main street, it's even sunny enough for some hardy souls to be dining al fresco!
A short walk takes us down to one of the many swing-bridges over the Manchester Ship Canal, so broad it looks like the sea & certainly not for titchy little narrowboats!  Only a few commercial craft use it these days.
For us it's a trolley dash round Sainsburys. Walking back we spot an Italian takeaway with a varied menu and as it's been a long day & I really can't be bothered to change, get togged up & go out again, we opt for pizza & pasta delivered to the boat!  {Very tasty it was too!}

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading it Sally.....first photo is particularly nice!...
