Sunday 14 September 2014

Wobbly legs!

Thursday 11th.September.
Can hardly walk after the stresses & strains of yesterday. Not a day I wish to repeat & quite honestly the Rochdale is not a canal I wish to revisit. We've not seen a boat since Manchester & I doubt we shall, if they have any sense!
 As we're 2 days in front of schedule we decide to sacrifice one & have a short day today so we only do 7 locks & finish outside a pub at Slattocks at 1:30.
Peter takes time to torment a few fish!
Handily there's also a Londis shop in the 24 hr.garage so we get a few groceries. It's curry night at the Hopwood Arms & for £14 total, we have 2x 2 course meals & 2 drinks, bargain & very tasty too.
Kelly gets a bag of pork scratchings!

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