Friday 19 September 2014

Old age travellers to Hebden.

Monday 15th.September.

Wake up to a rather grey & drizzly day in Tod, although not exactly wet.
 It's a fairly short day with 10 locks. The water levels are better and there are a few more boats about, which is nice.
The sun comes out as we pass Stubbings Wharf
& arrive in the one time hippy town of Hebden Bridge and we walk into town for shopping, a coffee & to check out the restaurants. Item 3 proves disappointing so it's rain-check again.
This is a Fustian needle, used in the manufacture of corduroy.
I notice that in the park by our mooring there's a skate park, so as Pete tries to outwit some fish, I set out with the camera for some action shots, I always find kids most co-operative if not treated like aliens!


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