Thursday 4 September 2014

No time to Brood.

Tuesday 2nd.Sept.
No time to Brood.
 Nice to wake up to a lovely sunny morning!  Have spotted an 'unspiolt boatmans' pub' in the route planner, so we cruise onwards with hopes of a nice meal out tonight.  Only one lock today, sounds good to me!

Past Brewood, (pronounced Brood) Gnosall, (pronounced Nosull) & Norbury Junction to arrive, still in sunshine, at 1:30.



However that's the end of the good news, The Anchor does NOT do food & charged me £5:20 for one & half pints :( 

Pete rustles up yet another meal which is probably better anyway!
Have  a TV signal but no phone or internet.


  1. Was that the 'unspoilt boatmans' pub that charged you so much for drinks?...robdogs!!
    Like that double arch...what's that all about?..

  2. That's why so many pubs are going out of business. Years ago the whole family walked down to the local on sunday nights, children and all. Now you'd need to take out a loan!

  3. A pub with no food ! Haven't they realised that this is the 21C and most pubs do that sort of thing !
