Wednesday 3 September 2014

Chug around Shug


Sunday 31st.August.

Chug around Shug

 Leaving Colwich behind, we pass through the lock & head towards Great Haywood, where the Staffs& Worcs canal branches off to the left.
In the distance can be seen Shugbrough Hall, onetime home of photographer, Patrick Lichfield. Well worth a visit, his studio is kept as was, along with many of his shots of the rich & famous, frolicking about in the grounds!
Onto the S&W, breaking at Tixall Wide for breakfast.

Normally we'd stop at Penkridge for shopping but as we have all the supplies we need, its up through the 5 locks. However, at 4:30, we arrive at Longford Lock #39 to find a queue of some 15 boats due to a boat having  been jammed in the lock since 10am! Apparently Canal & River Trust had been there all day and managed to extract the obviously slightly oversize craft as we arrived.. I miss all the fun!  Rather than queue for a couple of hours for it all to clear we moor up & settle in for the evening.


1 comment:

  1. Excitement indeed!!....a traffic
    Have you been to Shrugborough hall before?...sounds interesting.
