Sunday 7 September 2014

Market Drayton lives up to its name.

Wednesday 3rd.Sept.
Market Drayton lives up to its name.
Bit grey & misty this morning as we leave The Anchor behind.
The canal passes alternately through cuttings & embankments as was Thomas Telford's way. A few interesting old canal wharves & warehouses on the way along then Woodseaves Cutting a couple of miles through a gloomy damp passage hewn from the sandstone.
Once back into the daylight & even a little sunshine we arrive at Tyrley (pronounced Turley) locks, bordered by some very attractive cottages & also the place where we can fill the water & empty the loo & bins!
The 5 locks come in quick succession & we're lucky to cross 3 other craft which makes for less work.
We arrive in Market Drayton about 2pm, find a mooring  on the aquaduct.

Next task is to head off to the shops for some groceries.
It's an attractive little town, apparently home of gingerbread, with a Buttercross & some nice half timbered buildings.

 Best of all it's market day so we have a good mooch around & I buy a new purple kettle, just because I can!  Quick coffee & a snack & then ASDA  beckons.   On the walk back to the boat we spot a Chinese, so later get them to deliver a takeaway!

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